

                                                 CALCULATING UNIT RATES #2


Directions:  One of the most reliable ways to find a unit rate is by setting up and solving a proportion.  Find

the unit rates for each of the situations below.  For this worksheet, the proportions have already been set up

for you.                                  


     PROPORTION                             EQUATION                                                      SOLUTION


1)                 ____8x_=____________                                   _            _ points/game_  


2)                      ____________________                                   ____________________   


3)              ____________________                                   ____________________    


4)              ____________________                                   ____________________    


5)                    ____________________                                   ____________________         


6)                  ____________________                                   ____________________    


7)                 ____________________                                   ____________________    


8)                    ____________________                                   ____________________     


9)                       ____________________                                   ____________________   


10)                ____________________                                   ____________________