



Directions:  Find the volume of each right triangular prism below.  First find the area of the triangular base (1/2 x base x height).  Then multiply this area times the height of the prism.  For example in #1, the base is 5 and the height of the triangle is 6, so ½ x 5 x 6 = 15.  Then multiply this area times the height of the prism, which is 2 inches.





8 in

1)                                                              2)                                                         3)


9 in


4 in


2 in


4 in


4 in


5 in


4 in





Volume =  ______________                Volume =  _____________                            Volume =  _____________





9 in

4)                                                              5)                                                         6)


6 in


5 in


1 in


5 in


6 in


12 in


6 in





Volume =  _____________                   Volume =  _____________                           Volume =  _____________


9 in

7)                                                              8)                                                         9)


8 in


8 in


3 in


3 in


6 in


11 in


4 in




Volume =  _____________                 Volume =  _________                         Volume =  _____________