




Directions:  A compound event represents a series of events happening at the same time, or in order.  To calculate the probability of compound events, you can multiply the probabilities of each individual event.  Depending on your teacher’s preference, you can write this probability as a fraction or a decimal.



EVENT                                                                                                                                     PROBABILITY


1)  Flipping a coin and getting tails three times in a row                                                        ½* ½* ½ = 1/8 or 0.125


2)  Rolling a die and getting a 4 twice in a row                                                                      1/6* 1/6 = 1/36 or 0.028


3)  Spin a spinner numbered 1-8, and you land on 8 twice in a row                                       1/8* 1/8= 1/64 or 0.016


4)  A 70% free throw shooter makes two in a row                                                       .7* .7* .7 = 343/1000 or 0.343


5)  Picking a blue marble three times in a row (replacing it in the bag each time)

     from a bag of 4 blues, 4 reds, and 4 greens                                                          4/12* 4/12* 4/12 = 1/27 or 0.037


6)  Pulling a red card from a deck of cards, replacing it, and pulling another red card          1/4* 1/4 = 1/16 or 0.063


7)  Picking two numbers from 1-10 and getting a multiple of 3 both times                       3/10* 3/10 = 9/100 or 0.09


8)  Flipping a coin, rolling a die, then flipping the coin again and getting tails,

     a four, then tails again                                                                                                 1/2* 1/6* 1/2 = 1/24 or 0.042


9)  Rolling a die and getting a number other than 4 twice in a row                                    5/6 * 5/6  = 25/36 or 0.694


10)  Spin a spinner numbered 1-8 two times, land on two the first time and

       land on a factor of 8 the second time                                                                                   1/2* 4/8 = 1/4 or 0.25


11)  A 70% free throw shooter misses two in a row                                                        .3* .3* .3 = 27/1000 or 0.027


12)  Picking a blue marble, a green marble, and another blue marble (replacing

       it in the bag each time) from a bag of 2 blues, 4 reds, and 4 greens                2/10* 4/10* 2/10 = 2/125 or 0.016


13)  Pulling a red card from a deck of cards, replacing it, and then pulling a king                1/2* 4/52 = 1/26 or 0.38