

                                                     WORD PROBLEMS--RATES #2


Directions:  Find the rate in each problem below.  There are several ways to solve rate problems.  The simplest

strategy is to simply divide the data.  The key is to divide the data in the correct order.  If the question asks

you to find the miles/hour, then you should find the quotient of the miles divided by the hours, not the hours

divided by the miles.


Lucia ate 27 cookies in 4.5 minutes.  How many cookies did she eat per minute?              1) ____________



Lily ran 931 meters in 12.25 minutes.  How many meters/minute did she run?                   2) ____________



Jack paid $5 for 2.50 pounds of apples.  How much did he pay per pound?                        3) ____________



Kaitlyn flew 483 miles in 120.75 minutes.  How many miles per minute did she fly?        4) ____________



In 1.5 days, the temperature dropped 12 degrees.  How many degrees per day did the       5) ____________

temperature drop?       


Ava read 111 books in 11.1 months.  How many books per month did she read?               6) ____________



Connor filled his 150 gallon pool with water in 6.25 hours.  How many gallons per hour  7) ____________

did he use?


Addison drove 204 miles in 8.5 hours.  What was her speed in miles per hour?                  8) ____________



Jackson made 27 calls in 2.25 hour.  How many calls per hour did he make?                      9) ____________



Hailey’s plane climbed 1,804 feet in 90.2 seconds.  How fast did her plane climb            10) ____________

   every second?


It took Jacob 20.5 hours to drive 779 laps.  How many laps per hour did he run?             11) ____________



Sophia earned $297 in 24.75 hours.  How many dollars did she earn per hour?                12) ____________



Aiden scored 85 points in 2.5 games.  What is his scoring rate in points/game?               13) ____________