Are you looking for the best free math worksheets and activities available on the internet? You’re in luck! We offer tons of free math worksheets and activities covering all areas of mathematics. You can utilize any of the worksheets below to help your students, children, or yourself to improve your math skills.
The exercises below can be implemented across many different skill levels. Each topic begins with basic skill practice to help your students begin mastering that topic. After completing each free math worksheet, they will notice the exercises becoming progressively more complicated as more steps are introduced. By the time your students complete each worksheet in the sequence, they will have successfully sharpened their skills in areas ranging from simple addition and subtraction all the way to solving algebra equations!

Each of the free math worksheets below is available in a variety of formats and is easily reproduced. The exercises can also be edited to fit the skill-level of each classroom or individual. Answer keys are provided, as well as examples that will help your students get started right away.
Math Worksheets
- Absolute Value Worksheets
- Addition Worksheets
- Division Worksheets
- Multiplication Worksheets
- Percentage Worksheets
- Square Roots Worksheets
- Subtraction Worksheets
Algebra Worksheets
- Combining Like Terms Worksheets
- Equations Worksheets
- Evaluating Expressions Worksheets
- Factoring Polynomials Worksheets
- Inequalities Worksheets
- Order of Operations Worksheets
- Slope of a Line Worksheets
- Trigonometry Worksheets
Decimal Worksheets
- Adding Decimals Worksheets
- Decimal Inequalities Worksheets
- Dividing Decimals Worksheets
- Multiplying Decimals Worksheets
- Subtracting Decimals Worksheets
- Writing Decimals as Fractions Worksheets
Fractions Worksheets
- Adding Fractions Worksheets
- Comparing Fractions Worksheets
- Dividing Fractions Worksheets
- Multiplying Fractions Worksheets
- Subtracting Fractions Worksheets
Geometry Worksheets
Number Sense Worksheets
Statistics & Probability Worksheets
- Mean/Median/Mode/Range Worksheets
- Mean Worksheets
- Median Worksheets
- Mean/Median/Mode and Graphs Worksheets
- Probability Worksheets
Test Prep Worksheets
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Andria Quarry
/ May 13, 2014Thank you so much for these great worksheets. They are so “clean” and easy to follow. Your site has a very user-friendly design as well. Thanks so much for the resource!
Mr. Colwell
/ June 5, 2014I appreciate the feedback. “Clean and easy to follow” is exactly what I’m aiming for.
ataigianna tate
/ June 9, 2014This is some easy work and i get a sheet at school from da teacjer who made the wedsite it is a very good website thanks