These free transformations worksheets will help you prepare for your end of the year math exams. You will analyze the effects of translations, rotations, and reflections on various shapes. You will be able to sketch the image on a coordinate grid to help you find out which sides are parallel, congruent, or similar. You will also locate points and compare angles.
Each worksheet is aligned to the 8th Grade Common Core Math Standards. You’ll get plenty of practice with CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.8.G.A.1 through CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.8.G.A.4 as you get ready for your PARCC, NWEA, or Smarter Balanced test.
Transformation Effects Worksheet 1 – You will analyze the effects of transformations on shapes located on a coordinate graph. You will have to locate points and determine if angles/lines are congruent, similar, or parallel.
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Transformation Effects Worksheet 2 – You will analyze the effects of transformations on shapes located on a coordinate graph. You will have to locate points and determine if angles/lines are congruent, similar, or parallel.
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Transformation Effects Worksheet 2 PDF
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